
With about two billion users worldwide, Facebook offers a lucrative opportunity for brand marketers to target and reach a vast audience. However, if you don’t know how to navigate the complex system, Facebook advertising can be daunting.

If your ads are not converting, there are ways to increase the CTR, audience engagement, and lead conversions. Before investing more money in Facebook advertising, take some time and review your strategy to ensure your ads are optimized for conversions.

Rethink your Audience Selection

Facebook offers a vast audience where you can get a loyal following, but it can be hectic if you are not precise when selecting your audience. When the selection is not broad enough, you’ll likely exhaust the audience too soon and increase your CPC. In addition, you risk omitting high-value targets when you leave out key demographics and locations.

On the contrary, if the selection is spread out, you may not be serving your ads to an audience interested in your products and services. You risk driving up the CPC due to a message-audience mismatch or paying for leads that will never convert.

The solution can be simple. If you have been running your campaigns with a narrow selection, try widening the reach by omitting the “AND” function in your settings. If your selection was too broad, you can narrow it down by leveraging the “AND” setting.

Optimize Your Funnels

The user experience and pages a customer goes through before conversions take place are critical aspects of your sales funnel. If your funnels are too long, there are numerous clicks between the first click and the conversion stage, making it easy to lose your visitors.

On the other hand, if the funnel is too short, you’re asking for a sale too soon. This can lead to a jarring user experience that contradicts a visitor’s expectations.

While there is no perfect number of clicks for optimum customer conversion, try to balance the experience users are having with the visitor lifecycle. For instance, you can shorten the funnel when retargeting ads for visitors in the decision-making phase. However, ensure you are offering value to foster engagement and build brand awareness before asking for a sale.

Match the Ad Message With Your Landing Page

The landing page where you send visitors after a click is equally important as generating the clicks. It’s crucial to establish a suitable user experience by ensuring the ad messages match the content and offer on your landing page. Sending your visitors to your homepage is akin to taking one step forward, and two steps back since the visitor is already fascinated in your offer.

When visitors can’t see the offer promised in the ad or product, they’d likely click away rather than taking the time to visit the site for that specific product.

Always ensure the page to which you’re channeling the visitors has the desired user experience, and the message is congruent with ad copy. For instance, if your ad is about a product or a service, the visitor should arrive at a detailed product page. If the ad promotes your lead magnet, ensure you’re sending visitors to the right landing page.


Facebook advertising can be an efficient way of boosting website traffic and generating sales. If you haven’t seen the desired ROI, you are likely making simple mistakes that deter customers from completing the customer journey. If you are struggling to optimize your Facebook ads, consulting a social media expert can help.

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