Social Media Management

Professional Social Media Manager
& Social Media Management Services

Our top priority is implementing the correct social media strategy for your business to help you accomplish your goals. A full-time professional social media manager will be working on your business’s social media channels. This individual will be working closely on your social media channels to ensure your content is high quality and ensure your social media channels are growing with targeted followers.

Whether you are trying to get more twitter followers, maximizing your Facebook posts, or interacting with your fans on Google Plus, the social media management team at Social Vantage has the experience and industry insights to help you get the most out of your social feeds.

Your social media manager will post industry related content, interact and engage with your fans, and provide highly targeted ads to generate more quality leads, resulting in more conversions for your company.





Social Media Management Company and Services - Social Vantage

Social Media Management & Posting

Your social media manager will write high-quality social media posts for your business. These posts will be made to your social media channels on a daily basis (depending on your plan) and will include professional articles, high-quality images, interactive videos and great written content.

All of your posts will be relevant to your business’s industry while targeting your ideal prospective customer and audience. Who are your ideal customers? What is the overarching message you want to deliver? Our experienced team will work with you to create a specifically designed campaign and create promotional, educational, and engaging posts to drive more traffic to YOUR brand, and ultimately generate more leads.

Social Media Management Company & Posting Services - Social Vantage

Promotional Social Media Post

Social Media Management Services Example Post - Social Vantage

Educational Social Media Post

Educational Social Media Management Services Post - Social Vantage

Engaging Social Media Post

Engaging Social Media Management Example Post - Social Vantage

Advanced Analytic Social Media Management Reporting

With Social Vantage, you receive a monthly analytic report if you are on our Enterprise plan. Our advanced analytic report records the performance of all your business’s social media channels and how well they are performing.

We work hard to ensure that the results we deliver are in line with your overall vision. To help with this, our advanced analytics are laid out in a very simple, clean report for easy review.

Social Media Management Services Reporting & Analytics - Social Vantage

Reputation Monitoring

On the Enterprise plan, our social media manager will be monitoring your social media channels on a daily basis for any positive or negative reviews. If there is a negative review, your manager will contact you immediately with recommendations on how to handle the situation.

If there is a positive review, they will respond positively and thank the user. Your social media manager will also monitor your social media for trending topics and/or hashtags related to your business!

Social Media & Reputation Management Services - Social Vantage

Facebook Sponsored “Boosted” Posts

Your social media manager will be sponsoring (Also known as ‘Boosting’) multiple posts per week with advertising dollars on your Facebook page. This is part of our overall content strategy and will drive more targeted engagement and exposure to your brand on Facebook posts.

Where do my boosted posts show on Facebook? What do they look like?

Boosted posts appear more frequently in News Feed, so there’s a better change the audience you are targeting will see the post. Boosted posts are labeled “Sponsored”. Boosted posts don’t appear in the right hand column of Facebook. Check out the example on the right.

Sponsored Facebook Social Media Post Example - Social Vantage

Community Engagement & Social Channel Growth

Your social media manager will go through different groups and communities on your social media channels and post in these industry relevant groups, start up conversations and engage with people on an organic level.

Your manager will also engage with hashtags and grow your channels with more RELEVANT fans and followers. We consider “relevant” followers to be individuals who would be interested in your business and would eventually engage with you to buy your products or services.

Community Engagement & Social Channel Growth Services - Social Vantage

Social Media Contest Creation & Management

Your social media manager will create and run social media contests for your brand. They will generate a campaign idea, present it to you for approval, and then run the campaign from start to finish! Everyone loves prizes, and so will your potential customers.

Social media contests are an amazing way to generate a massive amount of exposure on your social channels. More exposure = more engagement and more engagement = more leads & sales!

Social Media Contest Creation & Management Services - Social Vantage

Expert Social Media Team

We pride ourselves on having a very open, communicative, and consistent dialogue with our clients. When you work with Social Vantage, you will have outstanding support and will receive a response in 2 hours during business hours.

Social Media Management Weekly Calls and Service Reviews - Social Vantage

Custom Watermarked Images for Social Media Posts

Custom watermarked images are an excellent way of creating trust and relevance for your brand. When high-quality images are posted, your company logo will be included as a watermark on the image.

Your social media manager will create these images to help your business increase virality and brand awareness when your posts get “Shared.”

Having your images watermarked not only makes your brand look more professional, but it also increases brand exposure.

Custom Watermarked Images for Social Media Posting Services - Social Vantage

Social Media Cover Photo Design

Social Vantage professional graphic designers will custom design high quality cover photos for all of your social media channels. These banners will help your brand look professional and well-branded throughout all of your social media channels.

Social Media Management Services & Facebook Cover Photo Design - Social Vantage